The infamous “P”-word and ALF:
On our site, HTTP//, we have listed a statement that reads: “This Site is Boy-LOVE, not Boy-SEX certified.” – Needless to say within moments the “Anti-Love-Fanatics” – (ALF) from the Radical Religious Right – (RRR) have attacked us and claimed that we are promoting “Pedophilia”.
Now ALF – Anti-Love-Fanatic or (Anonymous Lying Fu**) has a serious comprehension problem. Alf and his RRR friends have since over a good decade or longer managed to twist the definitions of “Love” words around. Pedophilia means actually the “Love for/of children”. It means in no ways in its original meaning the sexual abuse of children.
Anyone who knows the book “Tiny Eden” also knows that in no way does it condone or even remotely encourage the sexual abuse of children. This is right clearly underlined with the excerpt “Boy-Love” on the website. However Alf does not read the content of a website. S/He simply goes for “Slogans”. He hears Boy-love” and he imagines right away the rape of an 8-year-old boy. All control freaks appeal to our basic fears, - the endangerment of our children.
Children are our future and as living beings we have this instinct of survival manifested in our reproductive activities so that our human species shall continue. Each time the control freaks run out of arguments, they then yell: “But what about the children!”
Now for starters I have to explain, that the original Tiny Eden has been read by many “females and mothers”. That gender of our species that is even more protective of their offspring’s than the male gender is. Just look in nature and find out what happens if you get too close to any “mother animal” with young ones. This underlined that Mothers are even more protective than fathers towards their children, the book “Tiny Eden” had always been praised by “Mothers” as incredibly “nurturing”. This is quite strange for a book that Alf says is promoting child sex abuse.
Now Alf and his RRR ilk begin to twist words around. Since many people with an expanded intellectual horizon try to point out that sexual abuse, be it on a child or an adult is simply called RAPE, and these more enlightened people of society then underline that the issue is “Love” not abuse, Alf and the RRR coin new phrases.
Suddenly the term “Boy-Love” becomes a “code-word” for a homosexual child abuser focused on boys. “Pedophilia” is now a “Code-word” for child-sex-abuse. So we call it simply the “P”-word.
The P-word has already been turned around about a century ago or longer and is part and parcel of the criminal terminology for child-sexual-abuse. However laws are very precise. The legal profession has the P-word well defined as to what acts are required to deserve the use of the P-word. Alf and the RRR however have no idea what the legal requirements are in order that one has the right and justification to use the P-word as a definition on a person. They now use the P-word with the same liberty as people used the C-word – “Communism” under the McCarthy times.
“A village rears a child” is an old Chinese saying! Humans are social animals/species. This means we cannot live alone or in a family only and develop all our potentials. The spectrum of talents and skills is too large as that one person alone can educate a child in all skills and knowledge all on his own. This is the reason for universities and other places of higher learning. Just because a child has the parents genes does not mean it shares the parent’s talents, skill and interests. The conflict between child and parent often stems from the different interests and talents the child displays. The feuds begin because the boy does not want to become a Doctor “as daddy is” but rather wants to be a pianist or a mechanic. This is one of the reasons why other people begin to play an important role in a child’s life; especially around the age of puberty and into the formidable teen years.
Dictators love nothing else but a society cowed in fear. Nothing more makes a society cowed than the fear for their children! If the family is afraid enough that every “stranger” out there is a potential danger to the child, then the parents will be very happy surrender the raising of their children to the institutions that manipulate these children into the “sheep” the dictatorship wants.
Dictatorship and slavery do not always have to take the visual shapes of a Nazi regime or that of the old colonial days with people in shackles sold on the slave markets. Today’s slavery and enslavement is resting on solid foundations of financial dependence. As well as a dependence on a consumer cult that placed incredible psychological pressure on a person. The need to fit into a society with artificial values is ever increasing! One also can hardly call the USA with a 2 party system a “democracy”.
Now why are Alf and the RRR so powerful? Or where do they get their resourced to continue being even taken serious? In a capitalistic system, someone is always making money on whatever trend is “In” right now.
In many circles one now hears the term “The child-sex-abuse Industry”. It began some decades ago with the “Recovered Memory Syndrome” – now often also called the “FALSE Memory Syndrome”. Suddenly every screw up in one’s own life could now be blamed on some sexual abuse endured as a child that had been suppressed in our memory. New “Shrinks” had their field days! New clinics sprang up and recovery centers. Also as I had pointed out in my article on nudism, it is not to the liking of the textile industry if nudism becomes an acceptable lifestyle.
Churches are powerful institutions. And most of their power comes from the amount of money they are able to collect. Now why would someone surrender money to a power that enslaves his mind? People always talk about the Catholic Church or Vatican when they talk about wealth and religion. Sure the Catholic Church might be the prime example of such power and wealth. However the present Vatican is also a reminder of how much its wings had been clipped. The once mighty eagle of a Vatican has been reduced to a small chicken. Well so it appears at least. Even if it’s wings have been clipped and this eagle can no longer fly as before, it is not a chicken, it still is an eagle. And this eagle is out for revenge because of its clipped wings. One seems to forget that most of what is total the country and state of Italy was once the Vatican as a state!
So each time a church looses some of its powers and influences, they turn to big business. OK. The digital mini cameras of today are marvels of technology. One can hide them in almost any places. What looks like the head of a nail can be in reality the lens of such camera. And this brings us back to the P-word.
Let us stick with the camera example. This device is for sure ideal for clandestine surveillance. It helps police and others as like banks to enforce better security. However if your company is in the spy-camera business, you do realize that there are not too many banks and police stations around on this planet, compared to the remaining number of houses, and people in general. However since now the “Child-sex-abuse industrial complex” has you believe that even your maid and babysitter could be a predator and according to their “cooked statistics” 99,99999% of all non family members are, then you “have to have” such cameras in your house. Then you add the fear of teen sex and a camera is hidden in each of your kid’s bedroom so that you can be sure the boyfriend is not going to “mess with your daughter”. Are you, the owner of this camera company, not happy? Instead of 200,000 units sold to banks and police stations you now have sold 20,000,000 units to frightened parents! Now in order to maintain this network of cameras you create security agencies that monitor these cameras. This now makes for a monthly plan. Oh the economy is booming now! And all this because “we need to protect the children”.
Now if you mouth off and call it what it is, an industry based on unfounded fear, then the 1st thing you hear is the P-word attached to your name as a title. Now when it comes to issues as same sex marriage and Alf and his RRR can’t manage with legal arguments, then the next thing is to cry: “But what about the children?”
Now if one argues that children do not care about who loves them, but that they feel loved is all what matters to them, then Alf fires back that the Homosexuals and Lesbians are out to “groom” our children to ensure the supply of a good future generation of new Homosexuals and Lesbians.
Has anyone ever stopped and looked at the following:
Take a little child of let us now say in the 4 –12 year range. This child loves his grandfather or grandmother, or uncle or neighbor. Has one ever stopped and looked carefully at “how these loved people” look? I mean in their physical appearance in terms of attractiveness? Grandparents are mostly old people. Not the least anymore the flashy 25 year old sexual knockouts. Yet the child loves those people! The child loves them not for their looks and appearance, but for the attention, love, caring and understanding they tote on the child. They don’t even care about the smell of the “old fashioned” perfume these people use. So “Looks” have nothing to do with love for a child. Even less so does the child care if these people he or she loves are gay or lesbian or what ever else. Nor does the child care if these people are Communists or Atheists or what ever else. It only begins at puberty where the child’s sexual orientation, likes and attractions begin to manifest themselves. Only at that age begin looks and compatibility in other aspects of life begin to matter for the “child”.
Children and teens today are living in an isolated world. Amidst an over populated planet they live lives akin to solitary confinement. The access to guns in the USA had always been an easy one for children and with the pioneer history of the USA; teens were well versed in the use of weapons. However these teens didn’t shoot up schools. Today, and one can say since the last 30 some years, the incidents of school shootings is increasing. More and more teens “flip”. The national suicide rate records that approximately 80% of all suicides are committed by teens! 80% of all suicides are concentrated in an age group from 14-19 or about. More so the highest number of the teen suicides are because of sexual orientation identity problems. This is quite a frightening number. Running away had usually been a teen’s way out from an abusive home, but suicide had never had such a strong showing before in teens.
What do those incidents tell us? When we say that this is the result of the absence of “Love”, then Alf and the RRR will use the P-word. And like good citizens way back during the McCarthy times, we blush and hide and hope no one has heard Alf calling me with the P-word. Well I have news for you:
I love it when Alf uses the P-word on me! See there are two kinds of people. The ones that run and hide by this word and the ones who stand up and fight when hearing this word. These are people who insist on the proper use of words. Don’t call a submarine an airliner and don’t use the P-word when we talk about true mentor-ship and love.
Once at a PTA meeting one father was debating aloud if the school and staff are not lacking a bit of compassion in their work. Right away one person attacked the father with the words: “The way you talk you sound like a boy-lover!” – The father replied: “I am a boy-lover! I LOVE my son and do not beat the crap out of him and leave him unattended and uncared for.”
Children want to be loved and they do not care if this love comes from a mother and father, two fathers or two mothers, an uncle, aunt, the guy next door or the teacher. After all; - a village rears a child!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
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