It will also be visible on Tiny Eden's Forum. This is from my not yet "ready web-site"
Nudism - explained:
- Introduction
- Part II - Capitalism everywhere & the burden on the environment.
- Part III - Shame, Sex & Nudity
Definitions have one problem however. Definitions are suited for technical and scientific issues, but are not suited for human interaction. Definitions restrict us. Just the difference between the demands of being a good practicing Socialist versus a practicing Capitalist dictates the conduct and choices a person has to make. If it comes to election day, for example, the Socialist will cast his vote for a candidate who supports universal health care, while the Capitalist will not vote for such a candidate. An "ISM" defines our actions!
For this reason, we at Network FIO oppose the term "Nudism" since it would restrain us from natural freedom. The Grand Barn in turn has always used the term "At EASE with Nudity" and defining it as a "non-issue" to begin with.
FIO does insist to be atheistic or at least agnostic. We do understand that we cannot "Disprove" the existence of a God or higher power, however we CAN prove, that the God(s) and higher powers of the great religions are "Man-made". Therefore to call God by a name, defined by a specific dogma and doctrine as in "Catholicism, Protestantism" etc. is again a restriction to our personal freedoms. However the entry quote invokes the existence of a God. For this reason we do continue to explain the nude lifestyle with an eye on this "God".
Now let us begin!
So God created the universe and all living beings, including us humans. Now please note that God Created things, he did not Invent things! The diaper was invented by man, so was the gun, the atom bomb and Anthrax. So God created man, - as it is so often said - In HIS IMAGE! With common sense we shall then understand that God is NUDE too! When God created us, we were then pretty much "perfectly designed" for life in the jungle. Like our monkey cousins are. We started life as a species in a region that permitted a 24/7/365 nude lifestyle. So if the baby "craps" onto the jungle grounds, it just did as all animals do. It was no big problem. However the invention of the carpet and the modern dwellings forced man to invent the diaper! I mean be real! You cannot let it happen that an ignorant baby is going to pee and crap on your 20,000$ Persian (Fake?) carpet and one shall find that normal? So we invented the diaper. The forerunner of the diaper was the swaddling cloth or any form of rags placed at the strategic end of the baby.
Ever since man had been kicked out from the garden of Eden, - (we found the same under TINY EDEN) - man was kind of forced to venture into regions that were a bit colder. In order to counter this problem, man discovered and invented the use of fire. Now frying bacon in the nude is not the best idea! So we as human progressed with this "Ahhh! or EUREKA!" sensation and continued to wear diapers. Gradually the sizes of those diapers increased and began to cover the entire body of ours.
Well covered, we found out we could fry bacon without getting splattered and burned by hot grease. We learned that we could venture into colder regions. We could protect ourselves against other dangers, as like the claws of some animal that we were about to snuff for supper, and so forth. I mean come on! Can you imagine to weld or work near a steel furnace in the nude?
The more we invented, the more different protective diapers, - (clothes) - we needed. In the middle ages we had iron clad knights to bash each others skulls in, today we have Kevlar clad SWAT teams.
So when has our modern age man even time to be nude? Well foremost for the times when he has some serious vital bodily needs as going to the toilette. The for the few minutes in the shower or bath tub. Then forcefully at times at the doctor's or during a strip search at customs.
Then there are however those few people who refuse to like clothes and make good money with it, - Porn-Stars, Prostitutes and nude dancers.
Now we have a problem! There are also a "minority of people" that call themselves "NUDISTS". Some people in the diaper business, - (Textile Industry) - don't like that at all. So the Nudists begin to claim that nudism is natural and make this above famous quote. Then the diaper people right away charge that the only other "professionals" that stay nude are in the sex-industry. Then they charge that the nudists are "grooming" their innocent children to the joys of staying nude and these then will flock in masses as future employees to the sex industry! If an mass migration to the sex industry begins to happen then the Tax department will be understaffed and the diaper-people will loose a large amount on sales. Their reason is that the less clothing one has the more he has to pay for the exposed skin! I believe they do so by the Square Inch measurements. This explains that a full cover 3-piece suit cost a mere 150$ but a string bikini costs similar amounts if not more. Their reasoning is even more underlined by the fact that only a small percentage of people do require a business suite for their work. However ALL people enjoy the beach. Thus the need to be covered on a hot day at the beach is essential business for the diaper-people.
So now the diaper-people then use this argument of "sexual child-abuse" to ensure that people stay dressed at the beach. The Nudists charge back that SEX is never on their mind. - I only wonder who gave them their kids - Stork-FedEx? So then the Nudists begin to think! Finally they come up with a definition called NUDISM. With this defined, the diaper-people are happy! Nudism now has rules and regulations!
OK! Enough of the joking around! The reasons why being nude is so disliked has its roots back to some 10,000 years ago. In order to understand things, one has to understand a bit of how we humans evolved from the furry monkeys to the Naked Ape who we are now. We dislike another word very much, and this word is very inter-locked with the issue of nudity. - CIVILIZATION.
Civilization began some 10,000 years ago with the invention/adaptation/transition to agriculture. Many of us see this as the real progress. It was in a sense but also was the cause of much sorrow. Prior to agriculture, people lived in tribes! With a tribe we have to understand a group of families with various complimenting skills and talents living together and supporting each other. It is said that problems arise in group settings, once the group is so large in numbers that one no longer can remember all the group members names. A Natural-Group is usually a group of friends and families that all share common interests. It is completely different from an Un-natural-Group as a work-team, a class in a school, a platoon in the Army, etc.
Note that today we spend a lot of time "training" people to "fit in" a group, work-team and to forth! We have to understand mankind's original groups to be of the Natural-Group kind! To understand what really happened back then we have to take a look at some essentials:
- We often call the time before agriculture the hunting and gathering existence. The real term should be: Hunting, Gathering and Gardening!
- We "ass-ume" - (FIO Spelling = (_!_)-ume) - that the work load of our ancestors was a hard one. To the contrary. In today's few remaining indigenous tribes, the actual work in hours spent per individual for the personal needs of survival as well the well-being of his tribe is less than 20hrs/week!
- We think that the death rate among such tribes is quite high! To the contrary! The tribes are only affected when exposed to "imported diseases" and alteration in their environment that threatens their sustainability. If we use the term "child-mortality" then we use it to mean dying at birth or succumbing to a disease before the age of 5. What we seem not to take into account is our civilized child mortality due to road accidents, drive-by shootings and other death causing incidents. If we would look at the term child mortality in the way as to how many of 1,000 kids born actually make it to become productive adults, then the statistics look a bit different.
- If we use the term life expectancy, then we also do a dishonor to the facts. Most people hate history! Especially during their days in school. So this is maybe that not many paid attention to the fact, that also the life expectancy in the middle ages was a mere 30-35 years, checking the birth and death dates of noblemen, emperors and other wealthy people, the life expectancy was pretty close to 60-70 years for them! Lesson! The rich guys had the proper food, housing and sanitary conditions to live healthy and long, the poor guys did not! However the poor masses of the middle ages were not poor because they wanted to be poor, but because of political & social injustice!
- Tribal societies stand out in one issue! They either are poor and hungry together or they are wealthy and well fed together. If a drought strikes, if natural disasters cause shortages of food, then the entire tribe goes hungry. If all is well then the entire tribe is well.
Another thing is the attraction of animals! Gardens, because they are widely dispersed are never found out by all grazing animals or root digging animals! A field as a whole is for animals akin as a beer-truck that broke down before an alcoholic's house! Both would be a bit stupid NOT to use that opportunity and feast on the bounty!
Fields for certain produce a much larger mass of crops! However they now need also a lot more work! And now the 1st change happens! Since animals are now attracted to this concentration of crops, man is forced to chase them away. The tribe that used to live in harmony and not in rivalry with nature, now sees in everything non-human or non domesticated, an "enemy". Nature needs to be tamed. For the tribal hunter it is natural that the wolf takes down a moose as much as it is natural for the hunter to hunt a moose. The natural person sees in the wolf, the lion, tiger and so forth a competition for food sources. The farmer sees however in every rabbit, deer or antelope a "destroyer" of his crop! Before agriculture, natural tribe children never heard the "big bad wolf stories" at bed time.
Additionally, the domestication of animals began now as well. This saved the people a lot of hunting tasks. However it now again caused additional problems. As much as the deer loved the idea of a full field with oats, so did now the wolves like the idea of a whole pen full of sheep! So for man suddenly everything in nature was turning against him! All of nature became an enemy!
Then another tiny little and almost forgotten thing was added to all this! Some animals did not like to spend all their day inside a pen or a stable! In order to stop this idea that the animal should be free, man began to tame it at a very young age! Taming it often with beatings and other brutality. A fierce bull could be turned into a docile but powerful draft animal if it got castrated.
With this happening, the "logic" began to formulate in man, that if that works on animals with twice or 10 times the strength of a human, then it might work very well on humans. Mind you with man having to exchange his lifestyle from 15-20hrs/week work to a 60hrs 24/7/365 work week, the comments of not "liking" this too much grew proportionally. - (this were the times when the famous phrase - "An you WILL like it!" was coined).
Agriculture now began to create a lot of new jobs! Not just in the sense of needing more people to work the fields. One now needed "foremen" - (speak Cops) - who made sure everyone was actually working. Thus the transformation from a democratic tribe began towards an autocratic society.
It was agriculture that cased the emergence of "state religion". The admiration of nature and the universe gave way to a defined submission towards a specific deity. The emergence of a creation myth and cult. The tribes-elders were now replaced by kings and priests! Very rapidly the uniform behavior model was copied from the animal husbandry towards our societies in general.
Since the nude body does not tell more than age and gender, the new order of who is who was defined by clothes! A civilized society had broken the basic rule of group dynamics, namely the expansion in numbers beyond what one could memorize on actual names. Plus another even more vital event took place! The notion of "Personal Property". The territory was no longer "ours", it was now parceled off into "yours, mine & theirs". Therefore it became important to know who will take care of the property after the original owner had died. So the understanding that this person really was "your son/daughter" became important. Was it really your own son or was it just a boy that your wife had conceived while having fun with the neighbor? - This then resulted in the 1st invention of sexual morals!
Prior to this, sexual conduct was a "Natural" one. With this we understand that humans had sex according to the "instincts" of its respective species. This means our sex was human sex in the same way as the sexual conduct of lions was appropriate for how lions have sex. The more intelligent a species is, the more it advances sex as a form of recreation, not just the periodical reproductive cycle. For this such benign things as grooming become part of the species social interaction. Dolphins are known to have fun stimulating each other with their fins for non reproductive reasons, and monkeys and apes, well no need to explain that, especially our BONOBO cousin!
With the invention of sexual morals, man - (from the ruling class) - realized that the more he can control this "breeding cycle", the more hours were available to get his subjects to do such insane jobs as building temples and other things. We define civilization as the assessment of totally useless objects, projects and foremost buildings & infrastructures. An irrigation canal is not useless, a temple or pyramid however is a total waste of resources, man-power and time.
Today, 10,000 years later, just a handful of these so-called "nudists" even can imagine a life without clothes! And these are again under attack for many reasons, but foremost because of money.
The curse of money was started with the need for accounting. In a tribal setting the amounts needed to feed a tribe and so forth are simply sized up with ones eyes. A civilization needs to invent other means to keep track of what is and what is not here. From measurements and units the addition and multiplication of the same evolved. So maybe someone used in the beginning sticks or shells as "symbols" to account for a given unit of grain. This was akin as today accounting in numbers. However to use these symbols as "tokens" for ones actual possessions became rapidly self evident! The use of GOLD is such a step.
Gold has no value in terms of survival. Gold is a metal that only today is vital for our electronics and in medical applications because of its conductivity as well its sterility in medical use. However gold is NOT a metal I would want to depend on on a deserted island for survival. I would prefer iron or to be turned into steel implements as shovels, axes, nails and so forth. However the earliest civilizations stand out already for their use and addiction to gold. We believe that Gold was used for becoming a "token" exactly because it was otherwise "useless" - just that it looked pretty! Today, this useless token has transformed itself into the monetary system as we know it.
Part II - Capitalism Everywhere & the burden on the environment.
Today we are so far removed from being a natural species that most natural functions are controlled. This includes child birth and the instant donning of diapers onto our new-born. Nudism is now seen as some form of recreation that is practiced by a few.
Today however the environment is the key concern of our people. We hear all the Green-thinking experts talk about the different solutions. We see the artist-sketches of impressive new solutions, new cities of the future, but always "clothes people"! Why is it that even the so called "Greens" cannot understand that Nudity is part of the "solution to the problem"?
The simplest issue concerning nudity and the benefits for the environment are these:
- Air condition & Heating.
- Detergents & their uses
- Crime & terrorist prevention!
- Reduction of manufacturing
The industrialized world depends strongly on A/C. Much more so even than on heating. - A lot less Canadians & Russians live in the cold northern climates and then only do they need heating during the winter months. A much larger segment of the world's population lives in the hot regions and depends heavily on A/C. The "Green" guys always talk about a "self-sustainable economy". With this they mean that we have to transition from a constantly chasing after "new things" to something that lasts for a while. The most important issue is naturally housing. American homes - (We use the term AMERICA to imply the industrialized North American Continent, - Not the USA alone) - are well known to be badly designed. They are by no means "Green" and even worse by no means disaster-proof. Air conditioning & heating these homes is a round the clock task.
Now to understand a bit what we are about to point out we need to go a bit medically.
Life for us "mammals" depends strongly on the Proper body temperature, 36.8 C or some 96F. The best temperature a person feels comfortable in, - (dressed in a single layer pajamas) - is set at 22C at 60% humidity. Now the temperature that we will list next might shock a few people.
IF one would take a bath in a bathtub inside a room with no lights on and especially no sunlight. S/he could DIE! The conditions for this are these:
- A: - Bath water temperature set at 29C
- B: - Absolute Darkness
- C: - Submerged in the bath with just the head out to breathe for about 6 hours.
When anthropologists pinpoint the origin of man to the tropical Africa, then this origin is located in the best regions of 24/7/365 nude conditions! The reason why nudists hardly ever have sunburns and textile people do is also based on this sun-light reaction. The wet bathing suite covers part of a body. This part of the body is in the dark. Thus it signals to us "Cold", while the other parts of our bodies are exposed to sunlight and thus signal to the body "Hot". However the conflicting Cold/Hot message does cause our bodies not to send out warning signals that we are already sunburning!
If we only would look a bit closer to why our healthy body temperature is between 36-37C and all out living conditions are in the 20-30C range, then we should see the light! Since we are a social animal, original man used not blankets but each other to sustain body heat during night! The invention of clothing and the general discovery and use of fire was it that in essence made man migrate to climates that were not suitable for a "nude-lifestyle". However to use this fact that we now live on almost any place on earth does not mean to be understood that we as a human species are naturally "meant" to live in those regions.
Any animal adopting a new environment is usually not trashing the same to such an extend that it becomes un-inhabitable. We humans however do so.
In architecture, there are many ways to increase the insulation of our buildings to either keep them cool or in keeping them warm. However a nude lifestyle would contribute to a need to cool the houses less. Since our sweat, - (and we do sweat, even if less invocable) - is keeping us cool via evaporation, a nude body would require a less cooler environment in general. If we would live more to the rules of "If cold add clothing, - if hot remove them ..." then the AC and heating costs would be reduced dramatically! Shorts and T-shirt do NOT have the same effect as a totally Nude body! See the issue concerning temperature and light.
As humans we do remain a very clean species in general, - (grooming, bathing etc.) It is common sense that the soap and shampoo that we use for body hygiene are much less of an environmental burden than the detergents that we use to keep the clothes and house cleaned. We do not bathe in laundry detergent and those who do at times hand wash some clothes do know how their hands look after just a few minutes of activity. A nude lifestyle would drastically reduce the amount of clothing that needs to go into the laundry! This does not just reflect in the reduction in the utility bills, but also in the reduction of the chemicals to be treated in the water treatment plants! Since most of our water that is used for things other than bathing and drinking, as like flushing the toilette and doing laundry and washing the floors, is also drinking water, this is a vital issue. In many new green projects, architects use a "Grey-water" system. This means a 2nd water supply that is "clean" but not unrecommended for drinking. Such Grey water is used for flushing the toilette, washing the floor and car and also for doing the laundry.
A reminder! It is estimated that Only 1-5% of all available water on this planet is drinking water! To such reduce the waste of drinking water for such actions as laundry and so forth, would be another incentive to remain nude.
A nude body is also less in need to be constantly showered and bathed. Sweat evaporates and does not stick to the skin and causes irritation and uncomfortable sensations compared to remaining clothed! So our hygiene needs would be reduced to natural hygiene needs, not artificially created ones. It is obvious that a steel worker will need a good shower after his shift, while a nude school kid would just to need to wash his hands after class.
Nude people love to carry around their "security blanket" - (Speak towel) - which they use to sit down on wherever they are. Laundry would be reduced to pretty much thats and protective working clothes. A business suite is NOT a protective working attire, a fire fighter's or steel worker's clothes ARE.
It is after all that protective clothing and protective gear enabled us to settle all corners of this planet and even outer space and the deep sea. We are not asking now that firefighters go to douse a blaze in the nude! We are asking to be nude when there is no practical reason to be dressed!
Crime and terrorist prevention
"You can't steal money out from a nude man's pockets ..." is often a joke to hint that the person is financially pretty much broke. As hard as it is to pick-pocket from a nude person, it is even harder to hide a 12 gauge shotgun on a nude body. Clothing was invented and adapted to be protective mostly. Not just to protect us from the cold, but mostly also to protect us from injury. The loincloth in primitive cultures is not there for modesty. The loincloth is worn to deflect branches and the likes to slap on our more "sensitive" genitals.
Note that most primitive cultures do live in jungle regions and one cannot call those regions as "Park-like landscapes". It is this very need to protect that in such cultures most children remain nude till to such an age in which they do reach a level of maturity in which they participate in the up-keep of the tribe "outside" the village. So the "rite of passage" is not just the kid has now a loin-cloth, but the loincloth is an indicator that the child had reached a level of maturity to be an active participant and supporter of the tribe. The loin-cloth becomes his "uniform" to signal his status within the tribe.
It is a no-brainer to realize that the more clothes one wears, the more places one has to conceal weapons and explosives. Very hard to do when nude! Or would then a a terrorist with a stick of dynamite up his butt explain it to customs as a "Muslim butt-plug"? Clothes are also integrated carrying devices. Just look at the combat uniform of a soldier! This one is dotted with pockets, since many essential items have to be on the soldiers body. The more one needs to have on the body, the more the clothes in size, the more pockets and so forth. If one has "nothing to hide" then why the need for clothes beyond the needs to keep warm? The nude body is also a lot more vulnerable! Criminal gangs, besides deadly weapons as knifes and guns, use also such devices as steel-edged shoe-soles, knuckle rings and the likes to inflict utmost pain and damage to their victims. Nude bodies cannot inflict more pain and damage than natural possible. The worst case scenario would be a frail old person matched against a black belt karate champ. But this mismatch in strength is a natural one. Crime and violence are noted for their use of non natural means and implements to inflict damage or more.
This will not prevent crime all together, but it will reduce it a lot. Criminal groups feel mostly safe in numbers. Additionally they do wear their "work clothes". Mainly heavy protective leather jackets, shoes or boots and mostly even protective jock straps under their pants to avoid injury to their more sensitive body parts. Alone in the choice of clothes, the criminal has the edge over the regular person. While the regular person is dressed for weather, appearance and the likes, the criminal is dressed for his "job" and this includes being relative shielded from physical pain. We doubt that a gang of nude criminals, - unless they are all black belts - would have the same effect as their dressed counterparts on us average citizens. Foremost, their "sensitive parts" are as openly "exposed" as ours, and one quick kick into those would reduce the menace rapidly.
Nudity is also a part of a "To be able to see what is coming..." preventive situation. Very hard to explain to a cop at 32C HOT why you are walking in a neighborhood with baggy-pants and a crowbar concealed under them and say "Well I am just going for a walk ..."
A threat would be again returned to a natural level. For certain a 90 year old frail person will have no chance against a prime muscle-pack of 25 years. However then again, - you can't steal out from a naked man's pocket ...
Reduction of manufacturing: - end of capitalism
Capitalism is after all the reason for today's many problems. With capitalism we do not mean money per say. We do not condemn the so called "Token or Symbol" representing value. A title to one's land is not the land in itself. It is simply a record that you own this said piece of land. In a sales contract of the same land the value of the land might be indicated. This value might fluctuate with the general property values. So from the original value of $10,000 the actual value might be just $100 now or $1,000,000 in the meanwhile.
There is a difference between "Good Accounting" and what we call today the "Market economy". Accounting is done even on a personal level. To manage our resources wisely. A good economy is one that is well managed. But this management must not actually be reflected in the value of the stock market. A primitive tribe is not listed on the stock exchange, but its economy, the well-being of all its members is sound! So the tribe can then post a "Positive Economy", good standards of living and so forth.
Today we fawn over antiques! We collect them! Yet what we hardly admit so, is the fact that why and that we collect them is because these items were made to "Last". Only since the industrial revolution did a market economy develop! Since this time, we are running after ever more improved items on an almost daily basis.
We do not advocate a "Back into the cave ..." scenario. What we advocate is a basic and Sustainable economy. Sustainable means that the needs for our daily lives are well taken care of. Also the needs for our children future!
These needs are basic: - FOOD, SHELTER, SAFETY & DIGNITY - (Love). All other needs are artificial!
A tribe does not keep tally of the hours worked. The tribe functions with meeting the needs. Once these needs are satisfied, then the tribe rests and recreates. Tribes that depend on strong migratory events as specific animals migrating through their territory on seasonal intervals can be observed to be working at times 24/7 to harvest this plentiful event. Then the same tribe is seen doing "nothing" for weeks and months to come. Add all the hours over a year and the average work-week hardly exceeds 20hr. Then a lot of "work" is not considered "work" by those tribes. One can explain it this way. We understand under work something that we get paid for and /or the work we do in our household as cooking and cleaning. However, were one to be a hobby gardener and now has his harvest of specific vegetables to be peeled or otherwise processed, and this activity can be done by the entire family, peeling and cleaning the things and yet chatting away, would such a family consider this "Work"? Tribal communities, and even such communities as the Amish, do not consider such activity as "work". Since the main communal activity is the communication and interaction among themselves. That ones hands happen to be peeling apples at the same time, is not considered work. Or one would say, work is combined with pleasure. However had a fire destroyed a dwelling, then the rebuilding of the same is considered work.
The industrial revolution as well the consequent market economy has forced us to not just invent things due to evolutionary needs, but invent things to function in this artificial world. On the issue of transportation alone, the need to commute has affected our infrastructure! Just this issue alone gives us today a headache! Public transport infringes on our needs for individuality and the desire to go to places "Now". Private transport however creates traffic jams. Additionally the 9-5 business hours cause rush hour and more traffic delays and pollution. In order to fix one problem we now need to invent new devices. It is a never ending spiral of development and needs to adapt. Many of today's health problems are not based on natural illnesses but on environmental causes. Cancer rates are rising due to more and more pollution! Viruses and natural illnesses are "normal". A virus is as much part of "Life" as is an elephant or a whale. However these illnesses are now supplemented by an ever increasing pollution and stress related array of illnesses that have nothing to do with natural causes. Chemical reactions cause mutations in viruses! And the list goes on and on!
In the same time we are gobbling up our non renewable resources at a pace unprecedented in all our existence! Pollutants enter our food and water supplies! This again causes more problems! So now people ask, "when will it stop?"
The answer is two-fold. It will either stop because nature will force us, or it will stop when we smarten up. Nature does not care if this planet is inhabited by bacteria, elephants or humans. The dinosaurs died out long time ago! We and other mammals replaced them, Who comes after us? We don't know!
What makes man however unique is that unlike the dinosaurs being killed off by climate change and other events, we as a species are doing it! Unlike no other species on earth, we are causing the alterations and conditions on this planet!
So in order to stop or better even reverse this trend, we need to change the very economic model with which we operate. This model of endless progress and growth has to stop. A back to basics, - not a back to the cave - model has to be implemented. Nothing is better for this than to reconnect man with nature! The most natural means of doing so is to become again a practicing "Naked Human".
Shame, Sex & Nudity
Nudity or more so the bad-mouthing of the same, is based on the Capitalist system. Since our centuries of enlightenment, the arguments for nudity has been a large one. However the market economy principles dictate that one has to be an absolute idiot to endorse a lifestyle that would remove the need for clothes, reduce the needs for detergents, personal hygiene articles and even such things as sunscreen-lotions. So naturally the largest weapon in the anti nudity arsenal is the CHILD SEX ABUSE MISSILE OF MASS-DESTRUCTION. No one would in his right mind deliberately try to endanger the well-being of our children, now would we?
The 1st weapon in their arsenal is SHAME.
Shame is used in may ways, not just in nudity. To be "In" is a constant battle for our children and teens and it even applies to us adults! Shame can be produced even on making fun out of your pink socks! We can make "Anything" shameful, if we so wish. We set the trend by propaganda and actions. We set the trend by defining what is right or wrong or what is "Normal". There is a profound difference between what is "Right" versus what we define as "Normal". Nudity is normal and natural. Being protected against the elements as well specific work based dangers is also natural or common sense. However to remain dressed at all times for no reason or due to a moral code, is not normal.
Critics of the nude lifestyle always tend to point out that children of nudists do refrain from being nude once they reach puberty. This is a common reaction observed among families with children who do enjoy a nude lifestyle. This leaving the nude scene at puberty is however not an issue of shame, but rather an issue of peer pressure. Puberty entering children as well teens do manifest this age mainly by their desire to be more among their peers then with their parents. Puberty is the beginning of the "fleeing the nest" scenario. Kids begin to assert their independence at that age. Naturally if all their classmates and peers do not participate in a nude lifestyle, then the nude child will thus see no choice but to abandon this lifestyle for the sake of being with his friends and peers. Therefor the "exit" of kids at puberty age and beyond from the nude lifestyle is an out-side peer pressure result rather than an aversion towards the lifestyle in general.
Another rather "dumb" argument about remaining covered is that even animals never take off their fur. This is a dumb argument, since animals are naked! Just their hair is more visible than our own! Some of us humans do have strong body hair. Others are almost naturally smooth and hairless. Even our naked skin has plenty of "fur". It is just such a fine and almost invisible hair that we as such think of ourselves of being "more naked" than our cat.
Another argument is the so often observed reflex reaction of people covering up when someone inadvertently walks in on them in the bathroom. This reflex reaction is not so much a reflex of shame, it is a protective reflex that is natural due to the vulnerable position one is in. One has to understand that we humans are still strongly linked in instincts to times long gone bye! being on the toilette is for us the most vulnerable position. One has to understand that not too long ago prior to the introduction of fire into our villages, we humans were not so much the "hunters and gatherers" as the "being hunted and gathered" ones. It was the use of fire that slowly removed us from the menu of most carnivorous predators! The scent of smoke on us hinted to them the existence of forest or grass fires. Additionally the use of burials for our dead also removed the sensation to associate the human scent with "food" form most predators.
People who do live a nude lifestyle and even go so far as to not mind if one person uses the shower while the other uses the toilette, do not have this reflex reaction when walked in on. The reflex reaction of covering up lasts only for so long till to the moment the "intruder" has been identified. After so many shower murder scenes on TV and in the movies, the cover up and defend reflex has been re-enforced.
So shame is again an artificial emotion. Shame as a real emotion is or should only be present when one is made aware of a serious mistake. Shame in that sense is closely associated with guilt. Guilt can be a positive sensation if it is part of a realizing ones mistakes event. However shame or guilt for being nude is artificial. Shame during a full body search at customs and police is a different thing! There ones private orifices are examined for hidden contraband. This is rather an act of intrusion that is usually limited to actual sex play. This done to someone by a stranger due to "authority or for security concerns" - is shameful and embarrassing.
The 2nd weapon they will use is the "one size fits all" argument of sex and children.
Hardly any word after the 1950's communist scare and witch hunt is today more hurting than the word Pedophile or child-molester! Some people today fear this word, label or title to such an extend, they would sell their grandmother to the devil if it would help them not to be called this word. The child molester label is a one slap kills all word. This comes from the false assumption that children are not sexual. That they have no sexual sensations till to this awkward day sometime during puberty when they suddenly turn into raging hormones on feet.
Nothing can be further from the truth. Children are very sexual, just that their sex-play and enjoyments are far removed from what we adults understand under sex and fun. Now the critics of the nude lifestyle claim that nudism will cause the children of nude parents to become sexually active much earlier. In reality, just the contrary is the norm. Nudist children in general delay their sexual activity by a good 2 years of the national average for teens of the respective countries. Unwanted teen pregnancies are also a lot lower if almost non existent among nudist kids.
The reason for this is simple. They have no curiosity to find out how a boy or girl looks under their clothes since they have "seen it ALL". From new-born baby to the 90 year old grandmother with wrinkled skin and sagging breasts. Nude kids might not be able to define what they see. However they do have a keen understanding as to how a body looks at different ages and that all those looks are natural. Therefore since the urge to "explore" is much less predominant, their focus in a teen relation ship is based on the "personality" of the friend, not on the sexual performance of the same. The 1st sex desire among their textile peers is that these peers have never seen a human body nude, short of porn pictures and maybe their younger siblings in the bath tub. Naturally the desire to "finally see a girl nude" becomes so overwhelming that "Sex" takes on the primary drive in a relationship. For the nudist kid, this is just not the fact. S/he knows all aspects of body images. Those kids know all stages of developments and also at what age they will mostly take place.
Then the opponents of nude life will argue naturally the pedophile argument. There as well they are wrong. Now we begin to thread on thin ice, but it has to be said. Most North American boys have their 1st "UNPLEASANT" sexual touching experienced few days after birth when they are routinely circumcised! The boy has not asked for this painful experience. He had not signed any papers of consent and yet a total stranger touches his most private parts and removes one of the most sensual tissues from his penis, namely the foreskin. Now this is "OK" they argue and blabber on about cleanliness, STD prevention and all other "Crap". However if an adult would be caught caressing the genitals of a child and giving pleasure to the child, then he is an evil child molester!
As like in the movie about Larry Flint! He is portrayed in one scene giving a speech and presenting slides showing the beauty of nude bodies versus the daily pictures of maimed and wounded people, of living skeletons in zones of hunger and drought. The "Ugly" sides of life are daily and minute by minute broadcast across our news prints, TV and computer feeds. The "Beauty" of the nude body, be it adult or child is however covered up and in the worst cases called "Child Porn". Nowadays the definitions of child porn begin to even embrace images of children who due to tight fitting clothes the outlines of their genitals are visible. The "Phobia" about nudity becomes evident. Since nudity is natural and yet all legal and other resources are mobilized to make it appear to be "bad", then the only conclusion to this is the fact that the society is Bad, NOT the nude lifestyle!
The 3rd weapon in their arsenal is to Mix it up!
The opponents 3rd weapon is weapon #1 & #2 and re arranged so as to make it sound different. Naturally then comes the argument of religion! The many rules that God gave us and so forth! We repeat to recount an incident in Germany in the late 1960's.
A horrible crime was happening. Young boys in the 5-8 year range began disappearing in a town in West Germany. We do not recall the name of the sick killer nor the town. We do recall however what caused this man and the incidences to become a celebrity in "legal terms". Just as the police were hunting for an elusive child killer, the legislature was debating about the legalization of adult pornography. Just in the middle of this debate, the police finally got this sick bastard. The case was very revolting! The man not just killed the boys, HE ATE them! - (This was before Jeffry Damer!)
Naturally as those details became public, the opposition of the porn legalization used this sick bastard as their scape goat, claiming that pornography must have caused this man to become so sick and evil. However a bit of a smart thinking cop from the homicide department that had handled the case of this boy killer opted to speak at the legislative hearings. The Porn opponents smelling victory, were just too glad to grant the man his time before the comity. To the utmost shock of the Anti Porn brigade the testimony of the cop was the contrary to what they had expected.
The cop testified that in the personal possessions of this cannibalistic child-murderer was not one single nude picture, not to mention no pornographic material. He had not even the then so common and legal nudist magazines with plenty of nude kids in them among his literature. What he had however in his possession was the shopping catalog of the German department-store chain that sold from food to clothing to furniture about everything. And in this catalog was also an underwear section, showing children posing in various underwear. He had drawn circles around 3 specific boy models in underwear. Comparing the boy models in the catalog and the faces of the murdered boys, the look-alike were striking! So the man who committed one of the most heinous serial child killings in Germany had not had a single nude picture of an adult nor of a child in his possession! His drive to kill, his attraction to a specific look and color was triggered by the catalog of a department store. - Germany legalized Adult pron after that, it did however not criminalize the possession of underwear catalog.
In every pro and con arguments of any kind we have to realize one thing. We can never eradicate the sick mind of a few individuals. These types will always be among us. However their drive to kill or rape or worse will not be triggered nor subdued by the permission to see nudity nor by the denial of nude images. However in many cases of sex-serial killers and serial rapists, a rather prohibitive and censored childhood was found to be more dominant than a permissive and sexually free childhood. So it is more likely that an oppressed and repressed person will flip and go for relieve via sexual crimes than a liberal person. Murders and sensational crimes do captivate us. They do so for a reason. They are rare! However they are also standing out due to their freakishness. Either in the number of victims, or the ceremonial way of murdering, their fixation on a specific body type or race and so forth. In the terrorist handbooks it is often written as a guide line: Kill One! Scare a 1,000! Our sensationalism naturally does exactly that. Have the story of a nut case killer on the loose be told often enough and the gun sales go through the roof, single women sing up for self defense courses, alarm companies have booming businesses, dog breeders cant get enough new guard dogs bred, and so forth.
So our suggestion to any hype is this:
"When in doubt, always ask: Now who is making a $ on that?"
© - Copyright 09/11/2008 Network FIO
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